Alternative Provision
Alternative education
(December 2024: Please note that the Alternative Provision does not currently have any available places. However, we are accepting referrals for our waiting list).
Inspired by the hundreds of young people we have supported over 10 years, we have developed a unique offer for young people aged 13-19. Our alternative provision enables you to gain recognised ASDAN qualifications in a relaxed learning environment, whilst developing crucial social skills, confidence and self-esteem.
Our programme is lead by experienced animal-assisted intervention practitioners with a wealth of experience in mental health, education and animal care. Learners benefit from time spent with our therapy animals, plus a flexible approach to learning and attendance.
Recognised qualifications
Noah’s ART Alternative Provision offers the chance to achieve a range of recognised ASDAN qualifications through practical, purposeful activities.
ASDAN’s flexible Short Courses provide accreditation for 10 hours (one credit) to 60 hours (six credits) of activity and skills development. Short Courses on offer include:
Animal Care
Careers and Experiencing Work
Expressive Arts
Credits gained through Short Courses can count towards the ASDAN Personal Development Programmes and the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE).
Flexible options
The provision is open on Mondays and Fridays, term-time only. Our days run from 11am-3pm.
You can attend for one or two days per week.
We ask you to commit to at least one full term with us. However, part-term options are available should you need to start partway through a term.
Although we aim for 100% attendance, we recognise that this isn’t always possible. Flexibility is built into your learner agreement.
Social activities
Join one of our groups, or start your own. We can offer opportunities to take part in activities such as gaming, arts and crafts, photography, music and more. Join for fun, or use towards your ASDAN credits.
We run regular open events to showcase your work to parents, carers, professionals, friends and family
We offer opportunities to access other Noah’s ART services, including 1-1 therapy, volunteering, the dog cafe and more.
How to refer
Application process:
Parents or school complete and return a referral form
The young person visits us with parents (and/or someone from school/LA if appropriate) to have a look around the AP, meet the team and animals and decide if our provision seems right for them. This is an important step to ensure a successful placement in future
We then get the ball rolling from the funding perspective and work with you to get everything in place
Once funding is confirmed, we invite the young person back in for a personal learning planning meeting, where we go through their strengths, difficulties, needs and interests in more detail, and agree a start date
To get started please either contact us or download and complete the referral form below:
December 2024: Please note that the Alternative Provision does not currently have any available places. However, we are accepting referrals for our waiting list.